Skip the hassle with Kay. Access specialized, pre-vetted tech talent, matched to your needs in record time.
Leverage Kay's AI/ML algorithms and custom assessments to reduce bias and find top candidates for your team.
Hire and onboard faster with Kay's AI-powered job fit analysis, at a fraction of traditional costs.
Gain Kay's data-driven insights for informed decisions while constantly refining your hiring needs and strategies.
Find out how Notchup’s AI-driven hiring transforms talent acquisition for lasting success.
Notchup's dedicated team helped us deliver projects 20% faster. Their consistent, high-quality resources were essential for our on-time sprints.
Notchup's dedicated team was instrumental in delivering a user-friendly and viable MVP for ARMD. Their flexibility in scaling our team up or down as needed hasbeen invaluable.
Notchup helped us scale from MVP to a European unicorn with theirperfect blend of talent, certifications,and compliance—all in one place
With Kay, go beyond skills and expertise.
Unlock Your Team's Potential with Kay's AI-Powered Analytics:
Identify strengths, uncover gaps, and find the right fit to enhance performance. Try it for free and
start building your ideal tech team today!