How to become a Web 3.0 developer?

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March 17, 2022

Published by: Codemonk
Web 3.0

What is Web 3.0?

Dubbed as the next generation of the internet, Web 3.0 is where the net will be able to understand queries and search terms like a human through implemented technologies like Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Decentralized Ledger Tech (DLT). While most people think it is just a fad or buzzword, it is very much the future, as proven by the Facebook Metaverse, which explores one facet of Web 3.0. It is a version of the internet that will remove private data from the users and still present a personalized version to each user.

At the most fundamental level, Web 3.0 is based on the blockchain model that promotes interoperability by using trustless smart contracts and censor-resistant storage of P2P data files. In addition, blockchain offers a unique layer for data storage management that allows developing a value settlement layer for the internet. Thanks to the blockchain model, the internet will finally be free from monopolies of some big conglomerates and finally, have balance restored to the user.

Decentralization uses several computers connected to a network, often called a node, to maintain the network. And in the absence of 1 node does not impact the others since all are well equipped to cover for the missing node. This is important because decentralization reduces the trust factor of users on the network, which thereby helps in controlling the degradation of the network. In addition, decentralization helps in reducing the pressure on the top-level nodes and offering more autonomy to lower-level nodes.

The rise of Web 3.0 development: opportunities and challenges

The 2020s have been a tumultuous ride for the world because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. While Web 2.0 leveraged social media to garner users, it relied on users' privacy content. Web 3.0 wants to tailor the experience for every user. During this surge, digital currencies have become the next big thing. Within one year from May 2020, Bitcoin saw its price surge by 6X to just under $60k.

All of this has spurred the decentralization race where DAOs and the Apps are cropping up, which means that Web 3.0 development is booming. The surprising fact is that 65% of all Web 3.0 developers started in 2021 and joined through Ethereum. And at this time, 25% of all websites are running some part of their website on HTTP/3 technology. So, if you want to jump on the bandwagon of the oncoming technologies, becoming a Web 3.0 developer is the hot cake. But how do you do that exactly? Find out below!

9 steps to become a Web 3.0 developer

Now that you are convinced that Web 3.0 will be the future, you might want to know the steps to become a developer for that tech. But what exactly do you do about something that is still upcoming? Here are the steps:

9 steps to become web 3 developer
Steps to become Web 3.0 developer

1. Prerequisites

At the outset, you don’t need any special skills besides JavaScript and web development knowledge. With the plethora of resources available, learning and understanding the usage of various technologies.

2. Understand the concepts of blockchain

As stated before, blockchain forms the foundation of Web 3.0. Hence, the first step in becoming a Web 3.0 developer is understanding the concepts and working of blockchain. The fundamental reason blockchain is essential is because it allows more security and more privacy for the users, which Web 2.0 is incapable of doing.

Furthermore, blockchain is not based on a centralized system or server, and hence there is no single point of control that reduces the risk of hacks and unnecessary censorship. Furthermore, blockchain is essential in understanding how cryptocurrency trading and mining is done, promoting all the financial exchanges on Web 3.0.

3. Know about smart contracts

Smart contracts interact with the blockchain by developing programs with specific instructions. Most of the apps and websites built for Web 3.0 are based on Ethereum, one of the original blockchains.
The codes within the smart contracts allow the program to interact with the nodes. The nodes will then tell the blockchain to do what you want with the program. You can control and create anything from fungible and non-fungible tokens to your app's backend to creating your cryptocurrency using smart contracts.

4. Interfacing with blockchain

With Web 2.0, the frontend and backend worked hand-in-hand to create the interface that we know today. However, with Web 3.0, smart contracts will replace the backend. And in between them, an interface is needed, which is accomplished either by ethers.js or Web3.js when using the Ethereum API.
While Web3.js houses libraries for transferring Ether from one account to another and manipulating smart contracts, the libraries of the ethers.js house are needed for lightweight interfacing with Ethereum and its ecosystem.

5. Understand and learn solidity by creating zombies

Whether you want to work on Ethereum or any other blockchain, Solidity will be vital as it's a common language on many blockchains to build smart contracts. However, while many other blockchains are coming up, the level of adoption that Ethereum has reached will still take some time.
For a budding developer, learning, using, and optimizing Solidity is the best tool in your arsenal to land a job as a Web 3.0 developer since the market is vast. Furthermore, learning Solidity is now a Gamified Programming Course that allows you to build smart contracts while building a Zombie factory to conquer the world.

6. Building your portfolio

Once you have learned the tools of the trade, it’s time to get your hands dirty and build a few decentralized apps based on Web 3.0 and blockchain technology. This will help build confidence and establish credibility in the marketplace as a developer.

7. Apply, improve and innovate

In building apps, you will apply various techniques the courses have taught you. But once you do it enough, you can even improve a few processes and maybe even come up with a few of your own to perform some functions or build smart contracts faster.
You can use the Kaizen principle or even 6-sigma approach to improve the overall workability and processes. Furthermore, it allows you to explore new ways of developing dApps.

8. Understand & learn any equivalent crypto wallet or metamask

Like any dApp, the financial exchange on the app is done through a digital wallet called the Metamask in blockchain lingo. However, basic usability is not going to cut it. As a developer, you will need to know how to request network changes, detect accounts and networks, and even develop your own cryptocurrency.
Once you learn how crypto wallets work, you can understand how fast, digital, secure, and worldwide transactions are—all of this helps understand how risk-free maintenance of records happens and averts the risk of piracy.

9.Participate and join communities

As with any upcoming technology, Web 3.0 sees a surge of communities that will allow you to meet like-minded people at the beginning of their journey. You might even find more experienced people who can help you start this journey. So, it is critical to join a community to know where the field is headed as a whole so you can grow along with the others.

Conclusion - Should you learn to become a Web 3.0 Developer?

Absolutely! With the world moving to Web 3.0 faster than imagined, it is logical and the only course of action that you start learning skills for it sooner than later. With the boom of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and digital wallets, the time to become a Web 3.0 developer is now.

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