React Roadmap : Steps to become a reactJS developer in 2023

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October 13, 2022

Published by: Codemonk
ReactJS Developer Roadmap

Have you ever wondered what the right way is to learn ReactJS? Do you know which tools to use? Do you know where to start? With so much information out there, it's easy to get lost. 

ReactJS is an incredible technology that can be a fantastic solution to many challenges you'll encounter in software development. It is increasingly gaining popularity as developers turn to the library to build user interfaces..

A Statista survey shows that over 40% of developers worldwide use ReactJS in their production environments.

This article will discuss the ReactJS developer roadmap to help you understand the different steps of becoming a reactJS developer.

React Roadmap

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a front-end JavaScript library that Facebook created. ReactJS is used to create user interfaces that are fast and easy to use. ReactJS is based on reactive programming, meaning that its data flows in one direction. Facebook created it as part of a team effort to build mobile apps with HTML5 and JavaScript. 

The main benefit of using ReactJS is its ability to update parts of a webpage without refreshing the entire page or losing its state. That makes it perfect for creating complex user interfaces that include different elements, such as forms and tables. It is used by many companies and projects, including Netflix, Airbnb, and Instagram.

Responsibilities of a ReactJS developer

ReactJS developers are responsible for developing web applications, mobile applications, and websites. They must be able to create functional user interfaces and ensure that they meet the needs of their users. 

ReactJS developers must also be able to work with other software engineers to create new coding techniques and improve existing ones.

16 skills a ReactJS developer must have

1. Basic skills

Here are the basic skills you need to know to become a ReactJS developer:


All web pages are written in HTML. It is considered important because it allows you to create the structure of your page. To become a react developer, you'll need to start by learning the basics. This includes familiarizing with semantic HTML, proper DOM structuring, and sectioning off parts of pages. 


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a way of formatting your HTML documents to look good with different formatting such as colors, spacing,  and font design to your document. To become a React developer, you'll need to learn the basics of CSS, including grid systems, flexbox, media queries, and responsive web design principles.


Javascript is a programming language that lets you write code to control what happens when someone visits your website or app. JavaScript follows the ECMAScript specification. The basics of JavaScript you need to learn include syntax, operations, DOM manipulation, hoisting, prototyping, event bubbling, AJAX, and ECMAScript.

2. Development skills

Here are some common development skills required to become a reactJS developer:

  • GIT (Version Control System)
  • HTTP/HTTPS Protocol
  • Terminal Usage
  • Data Structures & Algorithm
  • Design Patterns

3. Knowledge of React

A React developer must have a good knowledge of JavaScript and React. You need to learn if you don't have any experience with React. A React developer should know about virtual DOM (Document Object Model) and Flux architecture. React uses these two concepts to create reusable UI components.

4. Ability to write usable code

Writing code that is easy for other developers to read and understand is a must in any programming language. However, this skill is essential when working with React because the library requires developers to write reusable components that can be reused across multiple apps. 

The ability to write clean code will help you create components that can be easily understood by others who use them in their projects.

5. Ability to design New UIs

The next skill required for becoming a React developer is designing new user interfaces (UIs). This involves creating reusable UI elements using HTML5 and CSS3 to be used throughout different applications without having to rewrite them every time they're needed. 

It also means designing mobile UIs and desktop ones because React Native lets developers build mobile apps using JavaScript instead of Objective C or Java-like most other mobile frameworks.

6. Styling

As a React developer, it would be beneficial to learn more about styling. Thus, you should take the time to understand how CSS works, its frameworks, architecture, and how to use it in JavaScript. 

Here are a few key points about CSS that will come in handy for styling:

CSS Pre-processor 

  • PostCSS
  • Less
  • Stylus

CSS Frameworks

  • Bootstrap
  • Materialize, Material UI, Material Design Lite
  • Bulma
  • Semantic UI

CSS Architecture

  • BEM
  • CSS Modules
  • Atomic


  • Styled Components
  • Radium
  • Emotion
  • JSS
  • Aphrodite

7. Form helper

The form helper file includes functions that help a developer work with forms. A few tools that can be used in React as form helpers are:

  • Redux form
  • Formik
  • Formsy
  • Final form

8. State management

At any given time, the state of a system is represented by the data stored in it. This data can be in the form of an array, object, or string. State management is a way of organizing this data so that it can be easily accessed and used. The major components of state management are as follows:

  1. Component State/Context 
  2. Redux 


  • Rematch 
  • Reselect 

Async Actions 

  • Redux Thunk 
  • Redux Better Promise 
  • Redux-Saga 
  • Redux Observable 

Data Persistence 

  • Redux Persist 
  • Redux Phoenix MobX

9. Type Checkers

The type checker ensures that the types of data used in a program follow the rules set by the programming language. This process can happen either when the program is compiled or running. By keeping track of types, the type checker can help avoid errors in a program. If you're new to working with type checkers, here are some basics you should learn:

  • PropTypes
  • TypeScript
  • Flow

10. Routing

Routing helps users navigate through your App. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended because it is an important part of building a user interface in an app. Here's what you need to know about Routing as a React developer:

  • React-router
  • Router5
  • Redux-first router
  • Reach router

11. API clients

API clients provide a way for different applications to communicate with each other on request.. There are two main types of API clients:

REST API Client 

  • Fetch
  • SuperAgent
  • Axios

GraphQL API Client

  • Apolo
  • Relay
  • Urql

12. Server-side rendering

Server-side rendering is the most common way to display content on a website. It works by converting HTML files into usable information for the browser. Whenever you visit a website, your browser sends a request to the server that contains the website's content. The request usually only takes a few milliseconds, but it can depend on many factors.

13. Static site generator

A static site generator is a tool that takes raw data and template files and transforms them into a complete HTML website. One popular tool for creating static websites is Gatsby, which uses React to generate static pages.

14. Integration of backend frameworks

Backend and frontend integration is vital for any web development project. React on Rails is one of the suggested ways to do this effectively, as it allows data to be passed down to components efficiently.

15. Localizing App (i18n)

Localization, also known as "i18n," is a process of designing and developing apps to function in different areas worldwide. This translation module has dynamic JSON storage. As a react developer, you will be using either of the two localization libraries:

  • React i18next
  • React intl

16. Testing skills

Testing helps to ensure that your software meets all its requirements and works as intended. It also helps to increase code quality and maintainability. Testing is, therefore, necessary for any software project, and React developer who wants to be successful in their career should understand this concept very well. Few testing methods include:

E2E Testing

  • Selenium
  • Cypress
  • Cucumber.js
  • Puppeteer
  • Nightwatch.js

Integration Testing

  • Karma

Take your ReactJS developer career to the next level

ReactJS is an amazing, ever-growing library that attracts scores of developers every year. Whether looking for the best way to learn or a seasoned developer trying to discover fresh ways to code, these resources should help you develop even further using React.

Focusing on day-to-day React development will help you understand the ins and outs of this powerful library. Still, you can explore many other areas when you feel confident with the fundamentals. Take some time to learn about testing, debugging, and building tools—it'll make your life much easier.

With Notchup you can pick up worldwide remote jobs as a professional ReactJS developer. Sign-up to our platform now to view the ReactJS-related opportunities that are currently available.


  1. Is it worth learning React in 2023?

The short answer is yes, but only if you’re willing to commit yourself. React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. It’s been around for years and has been used in a lot of websites and applications. Learning React is a good idea for several reasons:

  • React makes it easy to build components that are reusable across different projects.
  • React is flexible, so you can use it with any other technology you want.
  • React is easy to learn and understand.
  1. Which skills are important to become a good ReactJS developer?

If you want to become a good ReactJS developer, you need to have a solid understanding of the following three topics:

  • Knowledge of JavaScript
  • Good understanding of HTML5 and CSS3
  • Strong hold over ReactJS
  1. Are React JS developers in demand?

The market for React JS developers is growing, according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey. ReactJS is used by 42.4% of developers worldwide in 2022.

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